Saturday, August 30, 2014

Neal's first bite!

 So this isn't actually Neal's very first bite.  We are the parents who didn't take pictures of that moment!  He was actually given a piece of an apple and a piece of banana on different occasions prior to this.  He loved them!  This is one of his first experiences with baby food!
 Here it comes!  We are eating with paper stuff since we don't have a kitchen sink yet!
 What do you think?
 Would you like some more?
 I just love those chubby cheeks!
 Neal is one sweet-tempered baby.  He has loved all food except green beans!
 We love you Neal!
 Here is a demonstration of how hard it is to get a family picture (and this is not even all of us!)  I love the sunset in the background!

 There!  Too bad Austin has frozen pizza on his face.  It was a staple for a while!  Luckily, we randomly had people bring us food for three weeks straight.  No lie.  I was so grateful!  We have an amazing neighborhood and group of friends.  Thank you!
 And this doober is one of our favorites! I can't believe he's eating food, and rolling over! 
And look at those teeth!  We love everything about this boy!  Thanks for being a part of our lives!


Harry and Suzanne said...

Our beautiful granddaughter Shannon with her boys; we miss you, Christian, and the boys so much. It is hard being so far away from you all, but we are grateful you keep up your blog so we can keep up with what is going on with you all. To say we love you would be an understatement, but love you we do!

Unknown said...

Neal is getting so big! I love the family picture. we have issues with family pictures also :) miss you!