Thursday, August 14, 2014

Neal's Blessing

Neal's blessing was beautiful.  Both my mom and her husband and my dad were able to come.  Since I was afraid that might be weird, I was especially grateful my little brother and his family made the trek down to spend the weekend with us as well.  Instead of being weird, it was just wonderful.  I didn't realize how stressed out I was until we sat down at church.  The last time my dad had come for Austin's blessing, he walked out of church and sat in the car for two hours.  I was worried it would be another bad experience for him, but he stayed the whole time.  It was a big deal to me!

It was perfect weather!
Tyson once again wanted to be superman for Halloween!  There were a bunch of trunk or treat things to go to and it was a lot of fun!
One of Neal's first smiles :)
He's so tiny!
For Ben's birthday we went to this crazy restaurant to eat some funny food.  Ben is so funny!  My boys kept trying to feed Nash much to Laura and Ben's chagrin!  Sorry guys!
The school did a trunk or treat and it was fun!
Austin was a typical 2 year old and wanted to do everything exactly his way--including walking on this wall without help!
Neal was perfectly content!
I love Christian :)
My dad woke up early and totally won his age group for this random race at the horse park.  He was within the top three of the entire thing!  Go Dad!
We went to the Lexington cemetery to look around and enjoy the fall foliage.  It was the perfect stop!
Grandpa and the boys!  He's a stud!
I love this goofy guy!
 I can't believe we are a family of 5--that's like the maximum people allowed for winning family trips on game shows :)
 I love my mom!
 Neal was so precious.  It was a beautiful blessing and a beautiful day.  Thank you Christian!

It was such a wonderful experience to have so much family all together.  Thank you for making the trip!  We love you guys!

1 comment:

Jacob and Kalli Hiller said...

The years have been kind to you guys. Shannon, you look more beautiful than ever.