Monday, October 10, 2011

Nine months!

I can't believe how quickly the time has gone!  Nor can I conceive how on earth God thought 9 months was a good length of time for a woman to be pregnant.  This is me holding my baby who has now been alive outside of my body for the same length of time he was alive inside of my body.  I love him!

I also had a birthday! Dan and Katie came down to hang out and it was so much fun to see them! We went to Canyon Lake and Katie made me the most delicious birthday cake I have ever had in my entire life. Thank you guys! We love them! Christian got me P90X (per my request) off of craigslist and I will hit 60 days this Friday. Too bad I haven't seen any results. Oh well! I guess there must be some truth to the saying that your body's 30% Gym and 70% Kitchen. Tyson will do the workouts with me sometimes and he makes me laugh as he starts panting after each section and says, "That was hard work!" He has great imitations! He is such a good boy. I love him so much!

 Christian had a few random days off and we used a Groupon to the Tower of Americas.  It was fun to get out and do something together!

 Me and Austin by the only water in Texas :)

 Christian grew a goatee per my request.  My favorite part was that one of his professors at school told him he looked like the guy from "Gnomeo and Juliet"  Christian was amazed..."You mean you've seen 'Gnomeo and Juliet?"  It was awesome!!
 I love how amazed my children are at the simplest things--the stroller wheels, the washing machine, the dishwasher...I guess those things aren't that simple, but I do love that they are so intent when they see things.
My two boys!


Heidi said...

Tyson looks tall!!

I think the P90X isn't working because you don't have any fat to lose, DANG GIRL, you look amazing!!! I wish I looked half as good. It's that 70% kitchen that's dragging me down! =0)

Tim and Jennifer said...

Austin doesn't even look like the same little boy! Miss you guys!