Saturday, October 22, 2011


Last night we took Tyson to the ER because he had croup.  The poor kid!  He was having a hard time breathing which made him panic, which made it even worse.  He scared me so we took him in.  I called my wonderful mother-in-law who said to put him in a steamy bathroom and then outside in the cold--one question--is 77 degrees at 11:00 at night cold?  Well, the people at the hospital said to stick his head in the freezer since it's not cold enough outside.  The differences between Montana and Texas...that's just one!  Anyway, they gave him steroids and a breathing treatment.  Here's my little champion.

 Showing off his pulsometer on his thumb.  Taking pictures was one way to keep his mind off of things!

 When giving him the breathing treatment (face mask with smokey epinephrine pouring out) he panicked and kept screaming, "Mommy!  Mommy!"  I almost started crying.  He kicked the nurse and the stuff spilled all over me--so we had to do it again.  This time I talked him through it and he almost fell asleep.  It's not supposed to make you drowsy.  He was just so tired by 1:00 am. 

After that traumatic experience, the nurse gave him some dinosaur stickers.  Each one had a picture of a dinosaur and a few facts.  We talked about what it meant to be a carnivore, insectivore...etc.  Anyway, after telling him about it, I asked him what each dinosaur would want to eat.  It was always the same--yogurt!  What a goofball :)

Some funny things he's said lately: We were in the bathroom around 3:00 am.  He goes pee by himself but needs me to sit with him when he goes poo.  He was sitting there looking at his legs which are covered with dry patches and he said, "I have owies, spite of that, I just need to go poopy."  It was hilarious!
Here he is with his birthday toys from Aunt Laurie.  Somehow she always knows what he will just love!  Thank you Laurie!

Austin is like a crazy animal.  He eats everything with his whole hand and then smears it all over his face and hair...every time!  I love him!  When he's hungry he'll climb up on my lap and start sucking his thumb as hard as he can.  I sure do love my boys!
It's finally getting nice here!  I hope it cools off again because I was sure digging the mid 70 degree weather!


Eisha said...

Nothing like visiting the hospital! Sorry about that--few more visits and he will be a champ :-)

Jenny Bay said...

Poor Tyson! Hope he's feeling better!

Ben and Nanci Hanks said...

No fun! The hospital is not a place you want to be at 1 in the morning. I'm glad he didn't have to stay overnight. Poor kid!

Brett and Shendi said...

ah poor guy. i know what its like not to breath and breathing treatments are no fun. sad day. miss you guys -shendi