Monday, October 10, 2011


My new online love is Pinterest.  It is the coolest thing ever!  It is a way to organize all of your ideas (and your friend's ideas) online so you can easily find the things you want to do.  The best part is we've actually done a bunch of the things we've found.  Thank you Heidi for introducing me to this!

We have: Made bats out of melted crayons for the windows, learned about mixing colors (just using water and food coloring in an ice cube tray) and used them to paint napkins, I attempted my first baby sewing project for my wonderful friend Lana's little baby, and will be making fizzy paint out of baking soda, corn meal and food coloring tonight (it fizzes when you spray your art work with vinegar)  I have found so many ideas for projects and fun that I never would have attempted before.  Anyway, I thought it was pretty cool!


Nicole said...

I love pinterest too. And I love you guys and you look so great in your pictures, and Bradley wants Tyson to come for his birthday (he doesn't understand that that's a long ways away.)

Heidi said...

Pinterest IS great for finding things, though I pin many many more than I actually try. And now I need to go try all the things you mentioned, especially that fizzing paint!!!

Brett and Shendi said...

i have heard about it BUT no one will tell me about it. sounds awesome though