Wednesday, July 4, 2012


 Since the beginning of Dental school, a few friends of ours decided that we should all go on a cruise together after graduation.  Nobody really believed we would but I'm so glad we did!  Christian's parents came all the way down to watch our kids for the week and stayed for graduation.  They helped pack our house, took us to the beach, took us to dinner, and were just wonderful to have around.  Thank you Greg and Sandy!!  One perk of living in Texas is that we could just drive to our port in Galveston. Here we are on our way to the ship!
 Here, Chad and Lyndsay Riggs and Christian are pointing out our destinations!
 Chad, Christian, and Dustin--the three graduates
 Aimee, Me, and Lyndsay--the three survivors!
 Every night they played a movie on the big screen.  There was free ice cream whenever you wanted which was a definite plus!
 We went to all of the "kid friendly" comedy shows and a few karaoke nights.  I cannot sing karaoke for the life of me!  I have never quite been that embarrassed before!!
 We played mini golf on the boat and the Patricks took us to town!
 We didn't lounge on the deck very much, but the one day we did, Christian ended up clothing his whole body and face with towels so he wouldn't get burned.  You couldn't even see his eyes peeking out!  It was hilarious!
 Here we are right before the first storm came on and we were all sent below the deck!
 Each night we ate in the formal dining room with our personal waiter, Percy, and server, Spiderman.  Here we are on formal night.
 Here's our group!  Tenille let me borrow her dress--thank you Tenille!
 I think we ordered 11 appetizers this night.  Everything was just fun to try and it was all prepaid for so we didn't feel guilty trying new things!
They had a magician come by who was hilarious and actually good!
 Here we are at our first port--Progresso, Mexico!
 We took a huge van to see the ruins of Uxmal.  Since we split the cost and found our own van it saved us quite a bit of money--wohoo for knowing Spanish!
 The ruins were incredible.  We skipped the tour, but instead explored at our own pace :)
 Dustin laid on the ground to get this picture and was quite proud--thanks Dustin!
 I thought it was amazing to see them renovating as we walked around.  Here they are passing a bucket from the bottom to the top in a human ladder--so cool!
 Lyndsay was sure she was going to be abducted any moment, so we had to keep a close eye on her :)
 Here we all are in the courtyard.  There were so many ruins!
 Overlooking the courtyard with the Patricks!
 Do they look like they got their heads chopped off?
 Here we are taking a break from the climb!
 There were huge iguanas just lounging around everywhere! Do you see the one between the two trees?  Christian tried to touch it, but it was too freaky looking!
 Riggs, Patricks, and Christian at the top!
 I think ruins are breathtaking.

 They just kept going!  We finally had to turn around so as not to miss our ride back.
 I loved the intricate designs in the rocks.
After the ruins, we swam in a local cenote (cave with a pool).  It was perfectly cool water and so clear!  We all did cannon balls off the edge and I wished we could've stayed longer!
 Everyone wants to take your picture wearing their stuff so they can charge you for it :)
The next day we went to our second port where we took a taxi to a hotel and rented snorkeling gear.  We were then dropped off downtown so we could shop.  Christian bought me some fun earrings!  Thanks babe!
 After we snorkeled, we played on the beach and went swimming in the pool while it rained.  It was beautiful!
 Back to the boat!!
 We finally figured out it was going to be freezing in the dining room no matter what temperature it was outside!  Next time, I will definitely pack pants!
 Every day they left towel animals on our beds, so we went to learn how to make seals, dogs, and elephants out of towels.  It was pretty fun!
 We also checked out games from the library and played inside, outside, and even all crammed into one room.  I loved it!
 Dustin and Christian by far had the stickiest noses--and foreheads!!  That's Percy in the background!  One day he had someone bring us hot chocolate especially for us, since we were always so cold!  Thanks Percy!
 The sunsets were spectacular.
 On our way home, I saw this shirt and thought--really, only in Texas!
 Tyson and Austin were pretty excited about their dollar toys we brought home for them!
Overall, I think it was a success and we will definitely be going again--in another five years or so!  I love you Christian!  Our marriage survived dental school....wohoo!

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