Monday, November 12, 2012


When Tyson was told his hot dogs were not hot yet, he responded with, "So, they're just dogs?"  He's so funny!

Tyson told me that he was running away from the monster because the monster didn't like that he ripped his blanket.  I thought it was cute that in Tyson's mind, monsters had blankets.  Later I found that my comforter (blanket) had been taken off my bed and hid in another room---I think I was the monster he was referring to!

Tyson said, "I like the book, "Biscuit."  It's funny because it says the dog says 'Woof, Woof!'  Dogs don't say 'Woof Woof,' they say 'Ruff Ruff!'

We have a puzzle of the United States and have been working on naming the States as we put the pieces in.  He said about West Virginia--I think this should be North Virginia!  He's such a cutie!

We went to see our friends in Ohio.  Due to the said puzzle, he told me.  We just have to drive on top of Kentucky to get there!

The same puzzle--He looked at Iowa and said, "This place has a lot of stuff!  There are a lot of houses, and pigs and stars!" It made me think of my sweet friend Nichole :)

Austin will ask for his shoes as soon as he wakes up from his nap.  He LOVES shoes!

He's starting to talk a lot more.  He says, "Sorry, Thank you, Mommy, Daddy (He thinks he is mommy and both Christian and I are Daddy), Bubba (brother--Tyson), Jesus,  Hello, Bye-bye, Down, up please, hat, bird, cat, meow, bunny, and truck

While we were on a walk, Austin kept yelling whenever a large truck went by, "oh, oh!!  Bunny!!!"  It was hilarious!

Austin informed us every time a truck passed to and from the temple.  He's a goofball!

Tyson and Austin have been playing so well together. I thoroughly am enjoying my boys!

While garage saling I was told I needed to find a cute guy with a truck!  I laughed and thought---I've got my cute guy with the kids!!  Who needs a truck?

1 comment:

Tiana Smith said...

Your kids are getting so big! And they're so blond! Hope you're doing well :)