Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday, Tyson!

So Tyson turned 4 on Monday!!  He has grown so much over this past year.  I can hardly believe it!  This year, since all of the friends he wanted to invite either lived in Texas or Montana, we had a neighborhood party.  It was a blast!  Tyson really wanted a pinata so that our neighbors in Texas could "come and knock the candy out!"  Instead, we made our own and had our new friends here come.  It really was so much fun!  We missed our Texas friends, though :(

 Instead of the traditional cake, Tyson wanted a fruit pizza.  He proudly told me he had eaten the edges off when I was looking!  Oh well--my cakes will always end up a little strange!
 We had our neighborhood kids over which was awesome, but a little tricky due to the age differences!  We did fingerpainting (in bags) and built marshmallow towers--which actually was pretty entertaining!
 Tyson's new best friend worked on the Happy Birthday Poster with him outside.
 We also did "Red Light, Green Light", a balloon relay race, Freeze dancing, the limbo, a scavenger hunt puzzle (while people were coming) and of course the pinata :)  Tyson only wanted a pinata, marshmallows, and cotton candy--I tried for two of the three!
 Tyson was pretty disappointed that the candy didn't come out when he hit it. I had made it over several days to make sure it would be sturdy enough and then spray painted it and had Tyson fingerpaint on top.  Not even the thirteen year old could bust it!  We ended up having to set it on the ground and bust it!
 Austin trying to break the pinata!
 Then of course we had cake :)  He blew all of the candles out on the first try!
 We also had sugar cookie decorating for while we were serving up the cake!
 Even though we said no presents--every single person brought one.  Tyson was thrilled!
 He even shared his toys with Austin.  He is such a good boy!
Look at my big 4 year old!  I told him today he was my cutie-patootie and he said, "I'm not cute anymore, I'm big!" I told him he was a big cutie :)  Being 4 marks a new era of no more bum wiping, bed making, or dish clearing--I must say I'm looking forward to it :)  Happy Birthday my little big guy!


Tiana Smith said...

I can't believe you have a four year old! Also, thanks for your comment on my blog :) Since you commented there, it made me think that you might not know about our family blog, so I sent you an invite to that one in case you're interested. Hope you're loving Lexington!

Jenny Bay said...

Happy Birthday, Tyson! We miss you guys!

The Elledges said...

hey! it looks like the party turned out really well! Lexington looks so green. I bet you guys will have a great time there.

i wanted to call you this morning, but my phone is dead :) we got the package and the boys LOVED all the books, especially Henry and the elephant. Dallin carried that around forever and wanted to read it over and over. Jared pulled out the dinosaur puzzle and said, "I have to color this right now!" and Dallin had so much fun making his ladybug visor today. He wore it to the park this morning. You know I loved the chocolate covered raisins! thanks so much for the package, it really brightened up my day! wish you lived closer so we could see each other more!

Nicole said...

I didn't realize we didn't have to wipe our bums after age 4 or clear our own dishes or make our beds. Whew! Now I can stop!

Crist Family said...

YEah. The Party, Fruit Pizza, pinata all looked great...and Tyson does look big now! So glad that the turn out was good. You do a great job with birthdays Shannon!

Eisha said...

Tyson and Thomas would be great mates- so much alike. Thomas just went from "stop calling me cute" to telling his teachers his real name is "baby bumpkin" it went from hate to embrace!

Ben and Nanci Hanks said...

Wish we could have partyed with you! Looks like you had a fabulous summer and Lexington looks beautiful!