Thursday, August 19, 2010

The side of Tyson I will probably miss when he's a teenager...

Tyson has been doing some funny things around the house lately! His favorite thing is to help me clean (well maybe that's my favorite thing!) I love the perfectly clean windows with the handprint just in the corner and his cute little voice saying, "I did it!" after wiping a baby wipe on a section of the wall. He will run and grab the dish towel to help me clean the light fixtures or wipe up spilled milk. He is so cute!

For months now I have made him help clean up especially if he spills something on purpose. I thought it would motivate him to not make messes but I was wrong. He LOVES to make messes (on purpose) and then cry out, "Mess! Big Mess!"

If he does not make the mess on purpose though, we are in trouble. He does NOT like his hands to be dirty and if he is on the verge of trying a new food and it is in any way squishy or sticky, he will drop it as quickly as he can and scoot back on his chair in fear of it somehow overtaking him. He has learned that just saying, "No Gank You!" works much better than actually picking something up that is given to him.

We went to the Riggs house for lunch the other week and we discovered he likes to dip! Today he was dipping chips in ketchup...yum!!

And what does this blog post have to do with that picture? Christian's professor was throwing out prizes the other day and we are the happy recipients of "The Pirate Tube!" I thought Christian had done this but no...Tyson has found a new use for his wooden puzzle! I just thought it was funny that they each have their own little spot! What a cutie!


Eisha said...

happy birthday tyson!

Eisha said...

shannon, you need to do a pregnancy post and show pix...6 months is too far along to let the photo opportunity pass!

Adespain said...

I want to see a pregnant pic too! That is too cute with the pirates and messes. I wouldn't mind if William decided he liked to clean, how did you do it!?

Harry and Suzanne said...

Hi Tyson,
It is so sweet you like to help your Mom clean up messes. You are a good little boy.