Thursday, May 17, 2012

Kid updates!

Tyson has been memorizing scriptures for the past year or so.  We had some friends over and in trying to also memorize the scripture had said that it said the word red in it twice when really it only had it once.  This really confused Tyson and it took him awhile to figure out that it only said red once.  After he had learned it, he came up to me and said, "(our friends) would say it like this, 'Isaiah 1: 18, Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, and red like jam, and blue like blueberries, they shall be as wool."  He said it with a straight face and fit it perfectly together.  It was hilarious!

At dinner the other day, Christian was talking about the difference between ortho (meaning orthodontics) and dentistry.  Tyson turned to me and said, "Ortho rhymes with Dorco!"

Since we are moving, we got rid of our high chair that was missing its seatbelt and was given to us for free.  It has been wonderful but not worth moving.  Christian's dad was changing Austin's diaper.  Greg said, "wow, he's really made a mess, huh?"  Tyson responded, "Yeah, Austin always pooped in the high chair.  I don't know why they got rid of it."

Wow, Look!  An extra-dalmation point!! (exclamation point)

Me: Who is this? (pointing to a picture of President Thomas S. Monson--the prophet)
Tyson: It's General Conference!

 Austin Loves to eat apples whole just like a big boy .  I love seeing my boys play together!  Every morning and every evening they laugh and 'talk' in their room and I love it!  Then Tyson runs into my room to tell me the sun woke up.  They really are adorable!

 Austin sitting at the table!
 My two big boys eating breakfast together :)
 Tyson and Austin will eat frozen eggos for breakfast.  It doesn't get much easier than that!

 Austin is a ham for the camera.
 Tyson is starting to write and draw.  Here is the first heart he drew for me!

What a cutie!  He skinned his knee pretty bad and wouldn't wear pants for weeks!  He would walk around holding his short leg up so that it couldn't be near his scab.

 Tyson sounded out and wrote his name at church.  He was so proud to tell me that his name has two I's "See mom? Ty i sin.  There's two I's!!"
 We are going to miss our friends!
Nicole came up and we got to let the kids play one last time.  We had pizza and the kids just played.  It's crazy how quickly they forget their best friends.
Austin still comes up and gives the best hugs.  He'll hold my hair (or his) and suck his thumb.  He isn't talking so tantrums have been a struggle but besides that he's wonderful.  I can't believe he's already 17 months!  He can say Dog and he'll repeat mamamama when he's mad.  Other than that he jibbers nonsensical things all day.  I can't get enough of him!


Eisha said...

the 5th picture down looks like thomas' identical twin!

Brett and Shendi said...

tyson is a hoot. i hope one day i will not be as blue as a blueberry ;) love those moments. miss you all

cambersue said...

what cute little boys you have! I can't believe how much they look like you...I feel like I recognize them...they remind me of what I remember Jacob looking like:)
How fun to have family come visit too!
Where are you guys headed?

Harry and Suzanne said...

What precious little guys you have, and we see you are enjoying them to the fullest. Glad you share those special moments and their sayings with us--really, really brightens up our day when seeing their pictures and reading them their words. They are both soooooo handsome! We sure do love you all!

Adespain said...

your boys are so cute!
I am SOOO excited that you will be just a few hours away!! can't wait to see you!!