Thursday, May 17, 2012

General Conference

Every six months our church holds a worldwide general conference where the Prophet and several other leaders in our church speak to the world.  This year, to try and help Tyson pay attention, we set cups of candy out with several key words written on them.  Each time he heard the words, Pray, Jesus Christ, Scriptures, covenant, or Joseph Smith, he got to eat a candy.  Here he is listening with both of his ears.  I think he got more out of it than I did!  He picks up the littlest things and actually understands them.  He really is amazing!  If you are interested in what the prophet said, you can find it at  I know he is a true prophet today who has been called by Jesus Christ to help us to know of God's love for us.  His words have brought me comfort and I know he's been called of God.

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