Tyson started second grade at Whittier school. He went from having 1 15 minute recess a day in Kentucky to having three recesses and a 30 minute lunch in Montana. He was in heaven!
We got to go up to Great Falls again and visit Laura and Alan. We just love their family! Tyson told me he feels safe at their house. When it was time to go, Austin turned to Tyson and said, "Go get your things. We're moving again!" Our poor boys have no semblance of routine!
Greg and Josh were champions loading our truck for the second time! They fit it all in 9 feet of space in the dark! Thank you! You are both amazing!
Our goodbye picture with Grandma and the dogs!
We went to Yellowstone on it's free day. It was so much fun to go with the cousins and see the sights! Neal fell off the boardwalk while looking through the binoculars but luckily did not land in any hot spots! Poor kid!
My favorite blue pool!
Me and Christian!
I just love these kiddos!
Another day we went to see all of the diggers! It was so much fun!
Tow Mater was there!
And Tyson and Austin both got to dig with a tractor. It was so awesome!
Then they played in the dirt! Thanks Mom and Andre for the fun day together!
At Grandma Sandra's house the boys had fun picking her raspberries!
I love this sequence of pics!
Neal stole the last berry right out from Austin's bowl! Poor kid! I felt bad but it was funny to catch on camera! They both had plenty of berries any time they wanted them!
Here's Neal's cake in all of it's glory!
We went to the park and played!
Tyson--who felt sick and ended up in the car half-way through the party.
Grandpa Andre and Grandma Joanne!
All the grandparents came. It was so fun!
Mary helping Neal read his card. Those two have a special bond!
His Sherpa from Costco! I was hoping he'd decide that could replace me in the middle of the night!
We got to go up to Great Falls for my birthday!
My Dad and Kelly came and made me a special pancake breakfast-just how I remember having them as a kid!
Dad took me to lunch and shopping. I felt so loved and special! Thank you Dad!
We went bowling with my mom and had dinner at McKenzie River Pizza Co. My favorite!
Thank you Mom!
I am expecting my fourth and have been throwing up a ton. Everyone has been so nice to pull the car over or just wait for me to be better. Thank you!
Neal got a book and some money from Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Tengelsen! He loves it!
He looks so cute to me here!
I still can't believe he is two!
The library in Bozeman holds outdoor programs and indoor game nights all the time. It is the coolest library I've ever seen!
The boys thought this festival was pretty fun!
We got to go and support Cassie in a few of her volleyball games!
It was fun and made me grateful for my siblings and parents who came to support me in all of my activities! Thanks guys!
Sandra makes the best homemade raspberry jam! The boys loved to ride their bikes around the circle and come in for homemade bread and jam. It was so delicious!
She also loved to read and play with the boys!
Tyson and Grandpa Andre on his new go-cart!
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Where will you be living now?
Okay I really want to know what Christian is doing in the goodbye picture with the dogs!! ; )
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