Sunday, November 17, 2013

bye bye baby

Tyson's artwork is getting better and better.  Here is a picture of me, his mom!
He knows he's that good!  I love this picture!
Here's Christian :)
On his birthday, he chose to have waffles for breakfast!
He got a huge blanket from Grandma and Grandpa Coltrin--thank you!
We went to the library to play and read books.  He refused to take off his Superman costume and yet still wanted to wear his new buzz lightyear shirt.  It was his birthday, so he got to wear both :)
His birthday party was so chaotic and fun!  Tyson, Miles, Gretchen, Tyson, Heidi, David, Nathan, Kaysen, Eli, and Canyon!  So many superheroes!
They were playing, "What time is it Mr. Superman?"
They decorated goody bags to put their piñata candy in!  Instead of a bat, they punched it.  Then they got to pull the strings and out came the candy!  Tyson's friends shared with him :)  Here's his cupcake--unfortunately it wasn't quite like the picture he picked out from pinterest, but he still liked it!  It's better than the football cake :)
He Loved opening gifts!
Thank you friends!!
His favorite toy was the superman slingshots.  He was so happy.  I can't believe how big he is getting.  Happy birthday my darling 5 year old~!
Every morning, Austin eats his own breakfast...then anyone else's who will let him!
This is usually Dad!
First day of school!
He was so excited and I was just trying not to cry so he wouldn't think anything was wrong.  It's just crazy the first time he would be under someone else's influence for more awake hours of the day than me.  I miss him!  The teacher did provide tissues, kisses, and a poem to make you cry, even if you weren't already going to...darn teachers!
Austin and I went out to Orange leaf...that was fun!
It was nice to have just time with him before the baby came!
Karyann came over to do foot baths since my feet and ankles were so swollen.  Then we went swimming.  She is such a kind friend!
My mom came and we cleaned the cars in the rain before this baby came!  It was pouring!
I love our Kentucky home!  See the everblooming roses?  And the crazy tree fort tree? And the pumpkin plant crawling out of the garden and into the yard?  And the sprinkler toy we got for a dollar at a garage sale?  And the two most wonderful little boys in the world?  Life is beautiful!


Heidi said...

Such cute boys! It is so hard when they start kindergarten, I worried a ton about mine, especially Hyrum, because he gets really scared if he gets lost, or isn't sure how to get somewhere.

Heidi said...
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Heidi said...

Sorry my comment posted twice. I took one off. I'm telling you that, because I always wonder what salacious thing was written and then regretted when I read "comment has been removed by the author." It was just a repeat.