Update on Tyson:
1. He has rolled over! He rolled over for the first time about a month ago but he had only done it about five times since until last night. Now he can roll like a pro! His daddy finally got to witness it last night so that was pretty fun!
2. He likes to eat! Now he has tried rice cereal, pears, sweet potatoes and bananas. His favorites are pears and sweet potatoes but he likes to put just about anything in his mouth!
3. He is laughing! Now instead of an occasional giggle he can laugh for a long period of time! The best part is you don't have to do much to be really funny to him. It is a great self-esteem booster!! It is really cute!!
Update on Christian:
1. He is amazing! Dental school has been crazy this semester with several tests or practicals each week but he is such a stud! He has been scoring incredibly well and is more alive than he was last semester. I think not working with cadavers anymore has something to do with it!
2. His old roommate and one of our best friends Jeff Blair will be coming down to interview this coming week! Everyone pray he gets accepted because we want so bad for him and Nichole to come and live by us in San Antonio!
Update on Shannon:
1. I am playing violin for the Easter Oratorio! I went to our first rehearsal last night and it was so much fun. Susan, my cousin, is the director and she did a fantastic job getting everything ready. I am really excited to start playing again since it has been such a long time. I am excited to be a part of an orchestra for the first time in six years!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! We hope you all do something great for someone special in your lives!
My friend and neighbor down the street took these adorable pictures of Tyson just out of the blue. She is an incredible photographer and we thought we would share since our camera is still being fixed! Thank you Jennifer!
Here is Tyson in his pajamas!
What a cutie!