Thursday, January 13, 2011


Tyson is an amazing boy! He is so fun to parent and is much better than I ever could have asked for. I'm so grateful for him!He thinks it's cool that I can make milk with the "machine!" He likes to try sometimes, too :)
He LOVES to read to Austin. He is so cute!

Some of his funny sayings as of late:

"Mommy, I made a 'bless you' thing!"--meaning he sneezed!
"Daddy at school?"--He asks this every morning
"Hurry, Hurry! Get that gumball!"--For Christmas, Christian's brother sent us a gumball machine that actually takes money. If Tyson ever finds money on the sidewalk, this is what he says as he rushes for home!
"I happy now!" He is sent to his room whenever he throws tantrums and is allowed to come out when he's happy. However, when we put him to bed, he often shouts this out even though he's not in trouble!
"There's a bug in there!" He says this if he has an itch in his ear, eye, under his shirt...anywhere!
"Feed me! Feed me!" He chants this whenever Austin is crying :)
"I don't like it!" He says this very definitively every time he is offered something new to eat...before and after he tries it! Yesterday he was offered unlimited goldfish crackers, juice, and cookies if he would take just one bite of soup. After many tears and about fifteen minutes, he tried a bite with a goldfish on top of the spoon. He didn't like it. He doesn't like many things!

He is getting so big! He recognizes Jesus in pictures, loves to sing (Santa rap is his all time favorite!), goes crazy for leapfrog movies as well as winnie the pooh, reads, plays on his own very well but LOVES to play with friends, and even has a fake laugh that he uses all the time! We love our Tyson-buddy! He is such a blessing to us!

1 comment:

Harry and Suzanne said...

We have loved Tyson from the first day we saw him, but he is growing up much too fast. We just can't wait to see you all in April at Ben and Laura's wedding; it will be so wonderful.