Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! So this year we stayed home for Thanksgiving since Tyson had the croup and we didn't want to get any other kids sick. However, since we were planning on sharing Thanksgiving with some friends, we still made some food and brought it over to their house and returned home with plates full of turkey, stuffing, potatoes, rolls, and pie. It was delicious! Thanks Courtney and sorry to bum out on you guys last second! It was awesome to just have a total day of relaxation. Christian didn't study for a second, Tyson took a three hour long nap, and I got to try out two new apple pie recipes. It was so much fun! Friday we went to the park for a couple of hours and played games with friends after Tyson went to sleep. All in all, we have loved our vacation time!
Here are ten things I am grateful for this year (in no particular order):
1. Christian-I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband! He works so hard to make time to play with Tyson, share with me his thoughts, laugh at my stories, and support me in what I do. He is such a treasure in my life and I love him!
2. Tyson-I am so lucky to have such a good-natured, fun, smart, and funny little boy! I love watching him grow and I am so grateful to be his mother!
3. My country-During the Thanksgiving prayer Christian thanked God for the country we live in and I had this overwhelming feeling of gratitude for the privileges we enjoy living here sweep over me. I am so grateful for the people who gave their lives for us so we can be free to live, worship, speak, and work without fear. I really do love America.
4. My family-No matter how many crazy things life throws at you, I am grateful to have a family who really cares about each other. Both my in-laws and immediate family have been wonderful to me. I am grateful for each member and love all of you very much!
5. My health-More and more I realize what an amazing gift my body really is. I am so grateful to be able to run, walk, breathe, and sleep without experiencing chronic pain. I love feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin and smelling the wind when I go outside. I love that I don't have to be inside all of the time and that I can walk to most of the places I want to go each day. I am a very lucky and very grateful girl for these gifts!
6. Knowledge-I am grateful for the education I've received throughout my life. I would feel so lost without the ability to read, calculate, or communicate. I learned so much in school and at home about the world, the arts, business, and life. I am grateful to have had these experiences because through them I can continue to learn.
7. Our Home-Every night I thank God for giving us this home. I can't imagine ever having a nicer home near so many friends than we do now. I think the fact that we didn't know if we would be able to move here until the day we left Provo in our moving truck helped me to realize what an amazing blessing it is to have a roof over my head. I feel so blessed to live here!
8. Our friends-Moving to San Antonio has not been hard because we were welcomed by so many loving friends who would give us the shirt off of their backs, quite literally. I am amazed and so grateful for the people we've met before and after moving here. Thanks guys! (Sorry about the old photo!)
9. My Church-I am so grateful for my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It gives me direction, purpose, friendship, love, and the truth. I am grateful for the priesthood and for prayer. I am grateful for the prophet who leads and guides us today. I am grateful for the scriptures, for Joseph Smith, and all of the leaders of the church past and present. I feel very lucky to be a part of these things.
10. The Gospel-I truly am grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ who lived and died that I may repent and live again with Him. I love Him so much and will forever be indebted to Him. I only pray I will be able to teach Tyson the importance of these things-to have a deep relationship with the Redeemer of all mankind and to never doubt His great love.
There are so many things I am grateful for at this time and I am thankful that we have a holiday set aside each year to give us time to recognize these gifts and appreciate them. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
What a beautiful post! Happy Thanksgiving!
What a great posting! I sure hope Tyson gets feeling better. We're planning on going to Heidi's reception in Houston, hopefully we'll see you there!
ah cute video! i am thankful for you guys. you were wonderful to us at wymount.
I think in the video you were actually laughing at christian NOT tyson...but it is laughable!
And, we are grateful for you, and you and your sweet family are a wonderful blessing in our lives!
That is a great post! It is taking me forever to load up all the photos for our Thanksgiving post. Too bad Tyson was sick! But that was nice that you could go and get the food!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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